Live in Bremerton Album Release!

Last year I played a show at Rimbert Illustration in Bremerton, WA with Ian Webb on percussion. Jack Parker from Homegrown Recording Co. recorded and mixed our set for us... and I'm so excited to announce that I will be releasing this recording physically and digitally on October 11, 2023! I had already booked a show on that date at the Mill Steakhouse in Milton to celebrate my birthday, so I figured why not make it an album release too - and REALLY celebrate! I named the album “Live in Bremerton” as a bit of a play on words… if…

Sleeves and Koozies!

I’ve added to my merch! Seeing as beanies (or toques for my friends) aren’t a hot commodity in the summertime (they’re just hot ), I’ve decided to add Nicola Linde Can Koozies and Nicola Linde Cup Sleeves to my inventory! I’m always making more - so check back often for current colour availability! I will also still bring my beanies with my merch in case you want to stock up on those for this fall! Current pricing (subject to change without notice):Cup Sleeves $7Can Koozies $10Beanies $25 I’m currently selling all of these exclusively at shows… so you can come…

Covers vs. Originals

Covers vs. Originals: The age-old question, plaguing every performing musician. Should you play covers, originals or a mix of both? ***** “I don’t do covers” I would claim emphatically.  This was me in my early 20s. I had so much to learn, when I thought I knew it all.  My reasoning was that if I wrote my own material regularly, why would I want to perform anything but my own originals? I wanted people to connect with me – with what I wrote – not my half-assed rendition of whatever popular song is on the radio today. If ever I did decide…

2023 New Year/Mid-Winter Update

Isn't it crazy how time just keeps flying by? It's been a bit, so I figured it was time for another update... The first batch of my handmade beanies announced in the last news post sold out before the end of 2022. This was much faster than I expected, which is a fantastic problem to have. I made a new batch and have already sold out of most of those. I will continue to add beanies to the bunch as they sell, so if there's a particular colour or style you're looking for, keep checking back - you never know…

New Merch!

I teased on my social media recently that I would be announcing new merch soon... well, here it is! Since the decline of CD sales, I’ve been wanting to create music merchandise that was not only memorable but also practical. My grandmother taught me how to crochet as a child and, after falling off a stage and breaking my elbow in Autumn 2019, I used crocheting as a form of rehabilitation and physical therapy. Since then, I have created many projects as gifts for friends and family, and even crocheted our daughter’s first Halloween costume in 2021. It only made…

4th of July, 2022!

Dave Hannon and I are super excited to be celebrating the 4th at Mill Haus Cider Co.! We will be tag-teaming the gig (switching off on mic/baby duties) from 3-6pm and Ian Webb will join us on Djembe/Percussion. Not only is this one of our favourite (yes with a "U") venues (the grounds are absolutely incredible!) - their cider is also some of the best I've ever had! Mill Haus Cider has also added Smores and Hot Dog Kits to their menu, which you can sear over their open flame bon fire pits. See below for more info: We look…

New Business Cards!

As a result of leaving my business cards out on a table (alongside some free stickers) next to my merch and the tip jar at an all-ages show recently, I was promptly OUT of business cards due to some kids helping themselves to my stash... so I figured now is as good of time as any to redesign my cards anyway - the last ones were done many years ago, when I was still living in Canada. Check out these new babies! On the front: keeping it simple with my name, website and email. The background picture is actually a…

Spring 2022 Update

It’s been a bit since my last real update… I can’t say I haven’t had my hands full.  As most of you know, I gave birth to our beautiful, smart, funny, curious baby girl, Libby, last September. I took a few months off to recover from the pregnancy and sleep deprivation – but I was back into gigging by November/December last year.  Libby is now 8 months old and growing like a weed. It really does go as fast as they say it does!  With that said, I am definitely back in the swing of playing gigs. This week I’m…

Singer Songwriter Showcase

Most of you these days are familiar with my happy hour/restaurant/pub/winery cover sets, where I'm belting out the classics of the 70s, bopping a few tunes from the 80s... and embracing the 90s hangover... But this Wednesday I'm playing a really cool Songwriter Showcase at The Mill Steakhouse + Spirits, where I'll get to show off my original music "in the round" with 2 other talented singer-songwriters. Come check out just how incredibly special our little pocket of the Puget Sound is! 1/2 price wine bottles, seafood specials and live music this Wednesday at The Mill! Hosted by Billy Stoops…

Baby News!

Well, I may not have gone into labour AT the Green Day concert (as we’ve been joking I would, for weeks now), but it’s quite possible that the The Hella Mega Tour-Green Day/Fall Out Boy/Weezer Seattle concert got something started (she was punching me in the hips to the music the whole time Weezer was playing and I went into active labour less than 24 hours after the show - 10 days early)! Welcome to the world:Elizabeth (Libby) Grace HannonBorn Sept 8, 2021 at 11:13am… 9lbs 8oz!!!20.5”… she was named after my Aunt (her Great Aunt) Elizabeth Dave Hannon was…