Just like how I eluded in my new song “All I Need” (see June 2018 Newsletter), when things get hard I turn to the ocean to centre myself… there’s something about the proximity to water that is balancing and gets the creative juices flowing! This month, I was challenged by some things in my personal life that really got me questioning my direction… so I packed my guitar and took to the beach.
I drove up and down the west coast of the island, looking for a good place to perch myself next to the water, with my guitar. I made it all the way to the Sombrio Beach parking lot, only to see the maze of cars in the lot, turn right around and head straight back towards Victoria. I ended up finding myself back at a small pull-out on the side of the road between Sooke and Jordan River, called Gordon’s Beach (Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone how awesome this place is, okay?!?), a beach where I’ve stopped and connected before… it was a small pocket of heaven, and it was perfect! I planted myself in the rocks for several hours and got a bunch of playing time in. It was exactly what I needed.
Here are some cover songs I caught on my phone during that beach jam session:
Imagine – John Lennon
Stay – Lisa Loeb
Not Ready to Make Nice – Dixie Chicks